Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Moments of Pleasure

News reaches me that people are paying upwards of £150 for one Kate Bush ticket.

I am still in two minds as to whether I would be in line myself if I were still in England, if I would be too scared to go and see her after 35+ years of worship, or even if I could bear the media frenzy inevitably brewing, but am relieved to have had the dilemma taken out of my hands.

So many memories surrounding that woman, probably best I am far away.

Meanwhile, here are some other birds of paradise and animals we saw on our day trip to the national park Santa Teresa...

 We were accompanied by Reinhardt, an old German fella who was a massive Stones fan and inveterate dope smoker.

Having already had three joints by the time we met him on the bus, he was ready for another - but only one - during the walk. He explained with Teutonic precision: "Five joints in four kilometres. It cannot be done."

Danger in paradise


  1. Little tweety pie three pics up looks like he's spent time on the cerca electrica!

  2. Wend's prepared to give up her KB ticket if you fancy a cheeky 24 hr trip back home. She would only do this for you Keith.

  3. We've seen a few like him - reminds me of Rat Scabies out of the Damned. Not sure if they are young versions of the one at the bottom, or if they always look like that!

  4. Don't tempt me - reading more frustrating reports of people getting tickets, I might take her up on it ha ha.
