Saturday, 15 February 2014

Under The Waterfall

On the road at 0600 and into the wilds with Dragoman's Carmen, a converted early 90s 16 ton Mercedes truck. On a series of long drives with overnight campsite and hostel stops, our guides Steve and Kim (one of three Kims on the trip) will take us on a 24 day trek down Chile and Argentina, through the Lake District and into Patagonia, ending up in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost city on earth, and the jumping off point to Antarctica.

Carmen: we spend a LOT of time loading and unloading her - tents, kitchen, food, spare tyres and 22 humans with full pack need a lot of attention.

Our first stop is at Salta da Lajo for a quick swim under a waterfall, attracting loads of tourist families (not so wild yet...!) then on to a fantastic campsite in the woods where we pitch up and make dinner off the back of the truck in proper NAAFI/I'm A Celeb fashion.

Our group is made up of young and old, English, Americans, Kiwis, Aussies, Dutch, Danish and French Canadian.

They're a great group, interesting, adventurous and a good laugh, and they all like a drink. No-one looks like being voted off yet.

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