Saturday, 2 August 2014

Please Look After This Pair. thank you

Well, we made it into Peru, eventually.

We'd had to jump straight off our first short bus trip from Vilcabamba to the Loja terminal, as I had misplaced my passport. I hadn't. It was in my rucksack, in the hold.

We arrived at Loja with two hours to spare before our 1pm bus journey over the border to Piura (better safe than sorry).

At ten to one, we were blithely informed there had never been a 1pm bus to Piura, and were issued with tickets for the 11pm service instead.

Ten interminable hours later, we boarded the 11pm bus, only for the engine to imediately catch fire. A slightly more dilapidated replacement arrived and we set off an hour and twenty minutes later...

At 6am, after a somewhat fraught hour's worth of border check-out-check-in (surrounded by what, in the dark, I took to be marauding school children, but who turned out to be local women) we finally rolled into Peru, and were in our lovely hotel San Jose by 9am. Phew!

Fingers crossed that's our bad luck done for a while.

(Sorry if this post is boring. You'd be surprised how many people's blogs are all like this.)


  1. Glad you made it into Peru safe and sound, and as you say, phew! Have to say Keith your posts are never boring...looking forward to the next adventure.
    Love to you both
    M&D XX

  2. Boring? That's the most entertaining thing you've written yet. Only joking, it's all good. Keep it coming.

  3. Thank you for your kind words. Dave, did you like Schindler's Lift? I thought it was an inspired pun, and thought of you! Kx
